Shared calendars for teams, schools, businesses, and communities.

Coordinate with your team and manage staff schedules, vacation requests, and other important dates. Keep everyone in sync with multiuser event editing and real-time updates on all of your devices.

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Give your users the features they need.

mouse Easy to Use

There's nothing to download or install. View and edit your calendar from any device and share it with one simple link.

notifications_active Invite & Remind

Send invites and reminders with optional RSVP. Keep your team informed with updates about events and schedule changes.

groups Empower Teams

Allow team members to update their calendars with multiuser editing. Administrators have full control over viewing and editing permissions.

The features you'll need for the best shared calendar experience..

Multi-User Editing

Multi-User Event Editing

Multiuser editing allows you to set permissions for each individual user. Select who can view or edit your events, and who has access to private events.

Documents & Images

Attach documents and images to calendar events

Attach agendas, documents, presentations, diagrams, images and other files to events for easy access by your team.

Invite with RSVP

Event invitations with RSVP

Send invites or announcements for your meetings and events. Our optional RSVP feature helps keep track of invitees and attendance.

Event Reminders

Send reminders for calendar events

Send reminders for your meetings, classes, appointments, and events. An optional note field lets you include any additional details.

Public & Private

Share public and private events

Public and private viewing permissions allow you to set who can view and edit events in your calendar. You can also control which events are displayed if you embed the calendar on a website.

Real-Time Feeds

Real-time iCal and RSS feeds

iCal and RSS feeds stream your CalendarWiz events into other apps such as Outlook and Google, or to mobile device calendars.

Event & Calendar Sharing

Share a calendar or individual events using social media and email

Allow calendar visitors to share events via email or social media (optional).

Website Calendars

Embed a calendar in any website

Easily embed your calendar or other plugins on any website with a simple code snippet.

Email to List

Use Email to List to send newsletters to your users and subscribers

Send emails to individuals, groups, or your entire team with just a few clicks. Manage your subscriber list and keep them informed about your upcoming events.

How we're used in real life.


Training Manager can maintain course schedules in multiple locations and include assignments or agendas. View individual schedules easily by using the category and location filters.


Sales Executive can access their schedules on any device and coordinate with assistants in the office. Appointments are updated in real-time with the option to prevent double booking.


Project Manager can plan tasks for their team, share documentation for jobs, and manage staff schedules.


Human Resource Managers can manage deadlines, company events, and holiday schedules by embedding the calendar in the company intranet.

We love our customers, we're happy to help!

"I wanted to thank you so very much on making my company run smoother and making my job easier."

Bill Masters
Owner, Pigpen House Cleaning
Palm Springs, CA

"Thank you for such fast turn-around! Your suggestion worked perfectly!"

Erica Hollins
Coordinator, The Carr Center
Detroit, MI

"The event reminders, mobile app and calendar update notices keep my husband and I on the same page."

Jamie Moore
Working Mother
Boston, MA

CalendarWiz is trusted by